Progress ….

Exciting news and progress: first, we ve signed up Strawworks to be our designers; it took longer than I hoped – first we wanted to do some background checks, and get references; it took  a bit of time to get a fee proposal, but once all that was done, we were ready to sign, and Tom signed the contract on the 15th May.

Chairman Tom signs the Contracts for planning and Building Control submissions
Chairman Tom signs the Contracts for planning and Building Control submissions

But its work in progress too; we need to do some work at the Reserve to prepare for the new Education Centre; and a team of volunteers from DTZ on Friday 17th May, and moved the old “visitor centre” into the Wood, where it will become a new bird hide; and built a new fence for us, so enlarging “hutfield” and making space for the new Education Centre.

The next step will be for Barbara from Strawworks to draft some designs for us; we ve given her a very full design brief.

The proposed new building attracted a lot of interest at Open Day.

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