A brief update

Planning consent having been granted, and just in time to meet the deadline for the Veiolia Environmental Trust grant application to make progress, we ve been busy with more preparation – I ve placed an order for the straw bales, and we ve  commissioned Strawworks to develop the scheme to Building Regulation Approval – the cheque for this was posted off  on Thursday. Some more work was done at the Reserve – a willow near the hut has been “reduced” so that there is room for the steel cabinet,  that will form our new tool store. We ve put in an application to Biffa too, as no grants approvals are ever guaranteed! Some of us are booked onto a Strawworks course in January on progressing the build. The next step will be to get the storage cabinet on order and in place – which will involve bridging the ditch (stream) that it is going to sit over. An interesting project! Any one interested??

Yabba Dabba Do!

As Fred Flintstone would have put it; we do, finally, have a decision from Planning at Ealing; only 2 weeks late, but in the nick of time for the grant application to be considered.

The decision is that the Planning application for the new Education Centre is granted –

a screendump from the Council's webpage
a screendump from the Council’s webpage


The Conditions are that we stick to the plans and start within 3 years, neither ought be a problem.

We did put in for alternative roof materials, cedar shingles (cheaper and sustainable) or a green roof (more expensive and generally better); the decision was that we’d go for the cedar shingles, because we are not sure we’ll be able to cover the cost of the green roof, but if we do find that we have the funds, then we can go back to the Council and request a variation on the consent.

You can see the full consent here

We ve been making slow progress on site too while we ve been waiting for the consent to come through; another scavenging trip to Walpole Park where “Spencer’s cafe” was being taken down secured more materials to be recycled, including a wonderful 1930’s oak door from the public loos (it’s in great condition!) and lots of electrical fixtures and fittings. And at the Reserve, a willow has been “reduced” to make space for the steel cabinet that we’ll need – it will become our new tool store, and a base for the cycle shed.