A new follower ….

We ve a new follower watching us work … he’s been spotted on the Paddock a number of times, but today he sat, sunned himself, and watched us …..

He’d have seen us  putting render on the inside .. we ve opted for Lime rather than clay, and the first coat is nearly done, should be finished tomorrow, so we’ll give it a few days and then put the later coats on, and putting cables in … and closing up the eaves, and having a bit of lunch and a cuppa of warming tea!

While he benefited from today’s sun, he excellent insulation of the Straw did mean that building did not warm up very much, so it was cold work for our Volunteers even inside.


Well, more accurately honesty! a feature of all straw bale buildings is an “honesty” window, where the straw is left unrendered so that visitors can see that the walls are made of straw.

Ours is a second hand bullseye window that we blagged off Streetlife some while ago; the paint has been cleaned off, the glass cleaned and polished and, hey presto. it looks great.

they ve been playing with the shutters too, by the look of it. some artwork is planned to make them more interesting …


Really Flying …

There’s great progress being made, and the project is really flying thanks to the amazing team … lots of photos but in summary … eaves now nearly boarded internally; soffits being closed, render on the inside, wiring going in … it is all amazing; another 5 tonnes of lime render to be delivered (fingers crossed, Tuesday) to finish off the inside …

“X” marks …

… the GLASS – the windows are now glazed, and we ve put blue crosses on them just to remind us that there is now something in the way!

And our salvaged oak door has been spruced up and our honesty window is ready to go in … the idea is that there is a panel where the straw is not rendered over, so remains visible, so visitors an always see that the building is made from straw.

Looking beautiful …

a few shots of the inside of the Education Centre, and the team have been working hard as ever; some Lime Render has been put on the south and west walls, to use up surplus Arthur had left; the floors been laid, temporary sheets only for the moment, and temporary lighting is in …

Getting plastered …

we have some of the lime render left over after Arthur left with his mangnificent splattering machine; so we ve done a bit of the internal walls with it to see how it goes. Looking good! and we re working now on the eaves and soffits, and the “first fix” electrics …