Fascinating Distractions ….

First the foundations … the ramp will be sitting on more rubber tyre foundations; so more pits needed to be dug … and at the bottom of the last hole, a stake was found; this piece of wood, we think hazel, was sharpened, and clearly driven into the ground. It was found in the clay, about 700 mm (2 feet) below the surface, and was expertly investigated, measured, photographed, recorded and eventually removed by Kim, our archaeologist. From its shape (flattened on one side) Kim thinks it was probably from a hurdle fence. She thinks it was sharpened with a metal tool, and is likely to be between 400 to 800 years old.

So after that fascinating distraction, and some tea (important stuff!) work continued … ramp being built, planning for the flooring in the classroom, and a load of salvaged 4″x 2″ that was donated (thanks Tim!) in the process of denailing – we’ll use some of it on the boot room walls, but much will be spare, for use in later projects perhaps!




Getting back in touch …

Both I (Andy, the Blogger) and John Morrell (the Photographer) have had holidays so we ve been a bit out of touch; John was back on site with his camera ealier in the week, I ll be there tomorrow. But work has progressed; the ramp construction has been growing great guns, and the archeeology test pit that is under the ramp the same; I ve not heard whats been found but I know there was a clay pipe bowl a couple of weeks ago .. these are “dateable” (as in can be used to date the level that youve dug to, not as in “would you like to go  to the cinema” ) so exciting in its own right; I m sure Kim will update us on finds soon.

Photos to show what they ve been up to and a fuller update soon.