Finely polished

At the very beginning of the construction, our Mission Statement was to build a high quality facility, and now we are reaching the end of the journey, the quality of the workmanship and thought that has gone into the Bluebell Centre is becoming apparent … in particular, the floor, recycled Oak from Pitzhanger Manor, collected, stored, moved, cleaned, laid, sanded, and now finished! 30981173984_2e6bc695dc_zgleaming and looking oh so beautiful.

Some other photos to complete the story to date

3 thoughts on “Finely polished

  1. It’s truly a projet that has been acheived with love skill commitment and superb team work
    An award winning outcome

    1. Thank you Christine … its been a lot of fun and we ve all learned and grown from the experience; really looking forward to it being used – a new chapter in the 115 year history of Perivale Wood Local Nature Reserve!

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